Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 296

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  2024  Day 296

October 20;        Acts 3:4;         92/260;      ‘Eyes Wide Open’

Acts 3:4 And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, "Look at us."

We are ministers of reconciliation 24/7.  As Christians, if you are interested and keep your eyes wide open, the opportunity to minister and help others is everywhere.  Peter and John were going into the temple to pray.  A lame man was laid daily at the Beautiful gate of the temple, to ask for alms.  The man asked Peter and John for money.  They could have ignored the man and gone into the temple.  These disciples were ministry minded and had no intention of passing the lame man by without ministering to him.  They fixed their eyes upon the man, giving him their complete attention. Using the Name of Jesus, Peter commanded the man to rise up and walk.  Peter took the man by his right hand, lifted him up and the lame man was healed.  The healed man then waked into the temple with Peter and John walking, leaping and praising God.  This account is a vivid picture of what our lives should be like.  Wherever you go, look for the privilege to minister to someone.  This literally makes every day an incredible potential adventure.  There is nothing greater than to help another person in any way as we represent Jesus.  His love, kindness and power flowing out of us to help others is the greatest privilege on earth.  Luke 19:10 teaches that Jesus came to seek and save the lost.  He was always looking to be a blessing.  Jesus was our Example of how to live our lives.  Suppose the person is not interested in our ministering to them.  Our kind response to them still makes an impact on them, since the unsaved rarely respond to rejection kindly.  Remember Jesus loves others based on His character, not their response.  We can too.  Rejection will be rare with your eyes wide open.