Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 291

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  2024  Day 291

October 15;        John 19:18;         87/260;        ‘They Crucified Him’

John 19:18 where they crucified Him, and two others with Him, one on either side, and Jesus in the center.

How incredibly profound this verse is in its simplicity.  The greatest act of love revealed in a single verse.  There were several other verses that spoke of His coming crucifixion, but this one verse verifies, in a few words, everything Jesus came to do.  Chapter 19 reveals many of the cruel and vicious atrocities that Jesus endured, all of them predicted and recorded in the Old Testament.  Now the ultimate culmination of why Jesus, as a Man, came to earth, told to us profoundly in its simplicity.  No great attention to be drawn to this, to a written affirmation that our Lord and Savior did exactly what God the Father sent Him to do and what He Himself was more than willing to do.  Prophecies and types abounded in the Old Testament concerning this momentous act of love beyond comprehension.  The Gospel is so profound in its simplicity.  All of humanity are sinners and have no access to a holy God.  God the Father would not allow His ultimate creation to be eternally separated from Him.  Sin had to be paid for, we could not save ourselves, so Jesus came and was punished for our transgressions.  In the simplicity of this single verse is the love of God revealed so profoundly.  Once you believe the Gospel message and become born again, as you begin to study the Word of God this simple message ‘opens the door’ to the thoughts and ways of Almighty God.  Everything the Old Testament prophets saw, every animal sacrifice, every type and shadow of Jesus reveals that this simple verse can open you to the wisdom of God.