Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 284

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  2024  Day 284

October 9;      John 13:17;       81/260(III);      ‘Blessed if You Do’

John 13:17 If you know these things (the privilege of washing another’s feet), blessed are you if you do them. 

The Lord Jesus did not come to earth to only be our Redeemer.  We are eternally grateful that He did redeem us.  The Lord Jesus also came to show us how to live, to be our Example.  Of all of the jobs servants were required to do, the washing of someone’s feet was the most menial.  Think of this, Jesus Christ created everything.  He is God.  His example of serving and humility had to make an incredible impression on His disciples.  A person’s pride in their status in life often makes them feel that they are above serving others.  That attitude disqualifies that person from the incredible joy of being willing to help someone regardless of how menial the task might be.  Jesus Christ sets us free to be a blessing.  Indeed we look for opportunities to serve others.  Whenever you help another, the Bible tells us that in a very real sense, you are doing that as unto Jesus.  Jesus tells us in this verse that when we are willing to help someone, regardless of what the need is, we are blessed.  Sincerely and kindly helping another is an incredible witness to them of not only the love of Jesus, but the reality of the impact Jesus has made on our life.  The Bible clearly teaches that each of us, regardless of what we have, have been given those things by the Lord.  No one is too good or too important to help another.  By refusing to ‘stoop down’ to lend a hand, that person is missing out on the dignity that serving Jesus Christ brings.  It is an honor to line my life up with Jesus, my Example.  In addition, the joy of serving someone is the best.