Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 280
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 280
October 5; John 9:5; 77/260(III); ‘The Light is Here’
John 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
In John 8:12, the Lord Jesus tells us that He is the light of the world. His character, message and ministry enlightened a world of darkness to truth, knowledge and spiritual purity. In John 9:5 the Lord Jesus tells us that He is that light as long as He is in the world. We know that His ministry was approximately three and one half years. His light left over two thousand years ago. Is the world doomed never to know the incredible light that Jesus brought? Jesus told us in John 17:18 that as God the Father sent Him, He sends us. If Jesus was the light of the world and He was sent by His Father and determined to do His Father’s will, than being the light of the world was His Father’s will for Him. Since Jesus told us that we have been sent by the Father just as Jesus was, then it must be the will of the Father that we be the light of the world as well. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus confirms this by teaching that we too are the light of the world. What an honor. As we, by the Word of God and prayer, get to know our Lord, the hunger for us to be like Him grows stronger all of the time. We no longer desire ‘pre Jesus’ conduct and purpose in our heart to be the light of the world wherever we go. It is not that we now live perfect lives, but by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirt, the love of God, the fruit of the Spirit and the power the baptism in the Holy Spirit brings, we too can be that light of truth, knowledge and spiritual purity wherever we go. Many say I am not a role model. As a disciple of Jesus that is all we want to be.