Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 272

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

September 27;      John 1:3;       69/260(III);      ‘Jesus’ Creative Words’

John 1:3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

Hebrews 11:3 teaches that the world was framed, or perfectly fit together, by the Word of God.  The creative words were the words of Jesus.  The word framed literally means to make something from nothing.  There was nothing and then Jesus spoke and everything He said came into being.  Hebrews 1:3 tells us that the Lord Jesus not only created everything with His words, but He upholds all things by the word of His power.  Jesus’ words hold the entire universe in place.  The law of physics teaches that things are composed of atoms and those atoms want to repel each other and break apart.  They cannot, because the words of Jesus will not allow that.  Jesus upholds everything as it is with His mighty words.  God the Father planned the universe.  The Lord Jesus created the universe and the Holy Spirit reveals to us what the Father and Son have done.  In Genesis 1 when the Bible tells us that God said…. and it was so.  Several times in Genesis 1 we are taught this.  The member of the Trinity who said what He wanted, was Jesus.  John 1:10 says that Jesus made the world.  In Isaiah 55:11 the Word of God teaches that whatever the Lord says has to come to pass.  Our Lord’s words will do exactly what He says.  Let’s look at this a little differently.  The Word of God is what Jesus says.  Every blessing and provision that we need has already been spoken by Jesus.  If His words created and uphold everything, then you can trust what the Word of God says to provide for you everything Jesus spoke recorded in His Word.