Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 271
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 271
September 26; Luke 24:51; 68/260(III); ‘Jesus’ Resurrection Body’
Luke 24:51 Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven.
Luke 24 teaches us some exciting things about a resurrection body. These verses are referring to the Lord Jesus’ resurrection body, but we have one ‘on order.’ At the rapture of the church, every Christian will receive a resurrected body as we are taken from earth into heaven. We have to have these resurrection bodies in order to function in heaven. In verse 31 two disciples were traveling to Emmaus when Jesus drew near to them and talked to them. Jesus later sat at a table with them, blessed bread and gave it to the disciples. Their eyes were opened recognizing Jesus and Jesus literally disappeared. These two went to Jerusalem to where Jesus’ eleven disciples were. Verse 36 tells us that Jesus suddenly appeared to them, telling them not to be afraid. The Lord showed them His hands and feet, which must have bore the nail piercings from the crucifixion (verse 39). This is fascinating that for all time we will see on the Lord Jesus the wounds of the crucifixion, an eternal reminder of what He did for us. Jesus tells His disciples to feel His body to know that a spirit does not have flesh and bones as Jesus did. Notice that Jesus did not say flesh and blood, the term we are used to. Verse 42 and 43 teach us that Jesus ate food in the presence of His disciples. Finally, this verse tells us that after He had spent time with His disciples, Jesus led them out to Bethany and ascended right before their eyes to heaven. What an eternity we will have with Jesus and the incredible capability we will have in our new body.