Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 238
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 238
August 24; Mark 6:46; 34/260(III); ‘The Man of Prayer’
Mark 6:46 And when He had sent them away, He departed to the mountain to pray.
The Lord Jesus had a busy day. The Lord was trying to get some quiet time with His disciples, but once the multitudes knew about His ministry, there was no where He went where they did not follow. That is the case in this passage of scripture. The multitude saw Jesus and His disciples departing by boat and they figured out where He was going. When Jesus and the disciples got there, the multitude was waiting. The Lord felt compassion for them and taught them all day. The disciples then came to Jesus and told Him that He should send the multitude away so that they could go to the neighboring towns to buy food. Jesus found out how much food there was where they were, prayed over it, and by a miracle, multiplied the food and fed five thousand men plus women and children. After a very long day, the Lord sent His disciples to Bethsaida by boat, dismissed the multitude and went up on a mountain to pray. Jesus had to be physically exhausted, yet He knew how important and necessary it was for Him to pray and fellowship with His Father. Prayer ‘recharged’ Jesus’ spirit, built His faith and enabled Him to unwind after a long and probably hectic day. After time in prayer, Jesus walked on the water to His disciples and when they arrived on shore, being recognized, the people brought the sick to Jesus and the sick were healed by touching the hem of His garment. Prayer played such a vital role in Jesus; life. Prayer will do the same for you.