Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 224
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 224
August 11; Matthew 21:14; 21/260; ‘Healing in the House’
Matthew 21:14 Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them.
The genius of the Lord is so evident in this account of the Lord Jesus clearing the temple of the money changers and those who bought and sold in the temple. The Lord Jesus, as He was casting them out, said that the temple would be a house of prayer, but the religious leaders made it a ‘den of thieves’. Once Jesus threw everyone who should not have been in the temple out, those who needed healing came to Him and were healed. That is a literal, true story, that actually happened. But that real story has an incredible spiritual meaning as well. The Bible teaches that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We were filled with all kinds of things that the Lord never intended to be in us. When we were Born Again, the Lord drove out all of the things that have no part of being in a Christian’s body and spirit. Now we can and must be a house of prayer. Prayer changes things and we are called as believers to be agents of change. The Lord lives in our spirit by the Holy Spirit and people can now come to Him, in us and be healed and made whole. The analogy is perfect. Each of us are the temple of God, A temple is where holy things are to take place. A temple is where the worship of the Lord takes place. A temple is where God’s Word is learned. A temple is where prayer is offered up. A temple is where people are healed and ministered to. That is who we are a Christians and that is what we do. The Lord never intended what was going on in the temple to be done there. He drove out what did not belong so that what did belong could happen. Jesus did the same for us.