Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 199
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 199
July 17; Revelation 18:15; 256/260(II); ‘Uncertain Mammon’
Revelation 18:15 The merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off, terrified at her torment. They will weep and mourn NIV
In Revelation 18 the Lord is judging ‘economic Babylon’ and the lust for money, which even in this time like no other, secular men and women weep over the destruction of the economic system that they have sowed their lives into. ‘Kings’ merchants and the men of the world weep over what they have erroneously given their all for. Many live for the things they possess and build their lives around the things of this world, the here and now. The Lord Jesus wants us to build our lives upon Him. Jesus is the only security in this life. Companies come and go. The value of money and stocks and bonds fluctuate. The Lord Jesus never changes and He will always take good care of us. The world laments and grieves over the death of Babylon the Great because they have built their very existence on this world system. It is the will of the Lord that we, as Christians, be a separate people. The Lord Jesus never intended us, as Christians to act and react just like the unsaved, sharing their false values. As the people of God we are here to change society, not condone it. The weeping over the destruction of Babylon is purely selfish. They weep because Babylon is where they made their money. The worship of wealth and luxury is coming to an end. Unless those who have been deceived by the devil and lived for money and what it can buy, have taken the mark of the beast, it is not too late for them to cry out to the Lord. Seek first the Lord Jesus and He will bless and provide.