Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 197
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 197
July 15; Revelation 16:16; 254/260; ‘Pawns of God’
Revelation 16:16 And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.
Three demon spirits are used by satan. They come out of the mouth of the anti-Christ and two of his leaders. These demons are used by the devil to draw all of the anti-Christ’s forces, those who have taken the mark of the beast, to Armageddon, where they will fight with the Lord Jesus and His Christian army. Again, the Lord Jesus is using the devil, to fulfill scripture. The demonic force army will be incredibly large and powerful. Our adversary satan, knows scripture, but the deceiver will be deceived, thinking his vast and powerful array of troops will be able to defeat the Lord Jesus and His saints (us). We will see in chapter 19 of Revelation that the battle of Armageddon, will not be a battle at all. The Lord Jesus will slaughter the demonic forces by the Word of God that proceeds out of His mouth. The devil attacks humanity. He is allowed to do this because of the sin of Adam. satan is the legal god of this world because Adam yielded his authority to satan when Adam sinned. We as Christians, once we know the Word of God, can be victorious over every attack of the devil against us, or against our family. The attacks of satan, designed to hurt us and cause misery and even death, can be used by a Christian to get stronger. As believers are diligent to know the Word and do what the Word says, they will gain victory over every assault the enemy may attack them with. The Lord will use satan for His glory and we can use satan to grow stronger.