Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 190
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 190
July 8; Revelation 9:5; 247/260; ‘Demonic Locusts’
Revelation 9:5 And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five
months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man.
We must remember that Revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Satan and the anti-Christ
play minor roles. The Lord will actually use demonic locusts for His purpose. In verse 1 a star
falls from heaven. Those who study end times believe this star is a demonic being. This being
opens the bottomless pit, where satan will be bound for one thousand years and releases creatures
that resemble locusts. With the exception of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists, who are sealed by
the Lord, these locusts have authority to attack humanity, stinging them, but they are not allowed
to kill people. Again, the Lord desires everyone to be saved and He ‘pulls out all of the stops’
during the tribulation to hopefully get people to repent. Jesus Christ is Lord and during this time
like no other, He is endeavoring to reach everyone. The use of demonic locusts is possibly to
show the unsaved the cruelty of the one they serve. In verses 20 and 21, we are told that many of
those of mankind who remained alive did not repent of the deception that they were trapped by.
What blesses me is that even to almost the very end, the love of the Lord Jesus Christ is
endeavoring to save these people whose hearts and minds were so terribly hardened by sin. If
you are a Christian now, you will be in heaven with the Lord Jesus during this incredibly difficult
time. If the Lord Jesus is not your Lord after the rapture occurs and the Christians are removed
from the earth, cry out to God for mercy and He will save you. The challenges you face will be
formidable. The Lord will help you then so that forever you will be with Him.