Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 167
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 167
June 15; I Peter 1:23; 223/260(II); ‘Incorruptible Seed’
1 Peter 1:23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever,
Words are seeds. As we speak them, they are planted in our spirit or in the spirit of who we are talking to. Any seeds, other than the Word of God are corruptible, meaning natural or perishable. Most of these words are harmless and do not affect you. Some corruptible words are very dangerous, because they put into your spirit harmful information that can cause great harm in your life if they are believed. Regardless, no words other than the Word of God, will put faith in you to be Born Again. This is why religious teachings are so devastating. Religious words are inspired by the devil to deceive. Sincere people, wanting to know the Lord, are told religious words by men and women who are thought to truly know God. Since these religious words are seeds that are planted into a person’s spirit, if they are believed, it is difficult to remove them. This is why what we learn about the Lord must be taught out of the Bible. God’s Word is His incorruptible seed which lives and abides forever. We are Born Again by believing the words of the Bible. No other words matter, or lead to a personal relationship with God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Word of God never changes. There are no additional things a person must do, other than what the Bible teaches. So often religious words are added in various books written by men, demanding obedience to an ever growing list of requirements. This does nothing but cause guilt and condemnation by those sincerely endeavoring to obey what no one could possibly obey. God’s Word is authored by the Holy Spirit, it’s the only incorruptible seed.