Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 154
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 154
June 2; Hebrews 6:12; 210/260; ‘Faith & Patience’
Hebrews 6:12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
We are not saved by works, our efforts to earn heaven. Conversely, our ministry and being faithful to fulfill what we are called to do yields eternal rewards. V10 of this chapter tells us that the Lord is not unaware of all that you do. The work of the ministry blesses others and many become Born Again by our sincere, loving diligence. Your efforts bless fellow Christians also and your example can often inspire others to desire to be like you are. The work of the ministry is often not easy or convenient. The work of the ministry is incredibly important. The evil one, satan, will try to discourage you, and tell you that you have done enough, let others do their share. The ministry can be looked at as a burden or something that must be done. That is absolutely untrue and that lie can cause laziness and slacking off. The truth is your ministry is a privilege. Anything we do for Jesus is an honor. Serve the Lord by faith. Know that you are doing what needs to be done, believing you faithfulness is helping others and pleasing the Lord. One of the analogies of the Body of Christ is that we are an army and Jesus is our Commanding officer. We no longer are involved in worldly things so that we can please the Lord. The word patience in this verse means longsuffering. Thoughts come, inspired by the devil. That is where your commitment to Jesus, the One who was committed to you pays off. The Lord Jesus is worthy of all of our efforts. Serving Him will be eternally rewarded. He watches as you minister to the saints and is well pleased with your diligence and faithful commitment.