Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2023 Day 268
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" 2024 Day 268
September 23; Luke 21:36; 65/260(III); ‘Watch and Pray’
Luke 21:36 Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." NIV
The tribulation is a time like no other. Once the rapture occurs, only those who are not born again will remain. Multitudes will be born again during the tribulation. All of those who were told about the rapture by their Christian friends, will realize what they were told was true and most of them will accept Jesus very quickly. Though everyone can be saved, the tribulation is primarily the Lord Jesus dealing with the Jews to finally accept Him as their Messiah and Lord. One hundred forty four thousand Jewish evangelists will be preaching during the tribulation. Three angels will be circling the earth continually warning everyone about the anti-Christ and telling everyone not to accept the mark of the beast. Their message will have a powerful effect on the lost. The anti-Christ will be doing everything he can to make people take the mark of the beast and the second half of the tribulation, called the great tribulation, will be extremely challenging. Jesus is telling those who will go through the tribulation to watch and be vigilant, refusing to yield to the forces of the anti-Christ despite what they do. Many will be martyred. A short period of intense pain will yield eternal life with the Lord. Prayer is so powerful and those who do pray will be helped incredibly by the Holy Spirit who will strengthen and comfort them. Watchfulness and prayer will position those Christians to stand before Jesus, after His return for the battle of Armageddon. They will have made it and be welcomed into eternity with Jesus Christ