Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 87
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 87
March 28; I Timothy 1:16; 87/260(II); ‘A Powerful Testimony’
1 Timothy 1:16 However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life.
Your personal testimony of what the Lord Jesus has done for you is very powerful, because all of the information is yours. You lived it and it can and does impact others. In verse 15 Paul says he was a chief sinner. Paul’s personality caused him to be incredibly zealous for the persecution and punishment of Christians. Paul oversaw the stoning of Stephen. Because of this, Paul had to be amazed not only that the Lord would love him and save him, but that the Lord Jesus would call Paul into the ministry and use him so mightily. Paul realized that Jesus knew he was deceived by his religion. As with all of us, the Lord Jesus was longsuffering with Paul, fully aware of the harm he was causing the church. On the road to Damascus, the Lord Jesus supernaturally dealt with Paul and Paul instantly responded, completely changing his life and his ministry. This verse goes on to tell us that what Jesus did for Paul, Paul used as a ‘pattern’ to share with those he preached to. Regardless of your past or what you are doing right now, the Lord Jesus is patient with you, greatly desiring that you hear the gospel and accept what the Lord Jesus did for you. Paul’s testimony had to have a great impact on those who heard it. If this man persecuted Christians and even oversaw the murder of a Christian and yet the Lord forgave him and called him to preach, surely the Lord will forgive me and use me as well. All of our testimonies can and should bring glory to Jesus. Nothing anyone ever did or could do, prevents them from becoming Born Again and useful to the Lord. The Lord can use your testimony too.