Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 79
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 79
March 20; I Thessalonians 1:2; 79/260(II); ‘Love Prays’
1 Thessalonians 1:2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers.
The ministry of the Apostle Paul was incredible. He never quit, faithfully fulfilling the will of the Lord with his ministry. Despite persecution wherever he went to minister, the results were astonishing. Multitudes saved, churches established, pastors to care for the congregations assigned. In addition to an itinery that would tire someone from just knowing it, Paul took time to pray for the congregations of the churches he established or visited. This is the heart of a true man of God. Paul had learned what happens to a disciple or a minister of the Lord Jesus when doing the work of the Lord is all that matters to them. The work of the ministry, including prayer, becomes the joy of their life, their reason for being. Initially most Christians need to discipline themselves to make quality time to read their Bible. If a believer is diligent to do this, in a relatively short period of time reading the Bible will become a delight. If a Christian makes the decision to share the Lord with others routinely, there may be an initial hesitation because of fear, but once that disciple leads a few to Jesus, it becomes the desire of their heart. Paul said ‘woe is me if I do not preach the gospel.’ Leading others to Jesus becomes a huge priority in our lives. Prayer is the same. I never knew how to pray and I never prayed, so praying was initially foreign to me. Once I made the decision to pray, and learned how to do it biblically and prayed, I found that prayer became a great joy to me. The only life Paul was interested in, was the life of ministry he had. If this seems foreign to you, do what Paul did, this will become your life’s joy