Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 77
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 77
March 18; Colossians 3:23; 77/260(II); ‘Whatever We Do’
Colossians 3:23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
By doing this verse, our lives will be a constant witness to others about Jesus. Others will not miss your Christ like attitude. What a privilege it is to represent Jesus. There is dignity in a job well done, regardless of what that job may be. Anyone can do ‘shoddy’ work, but if you keep in mind that your work is unto the Lord and your determination to do everything for Him to the best of your ability, reflects well on your commitment to the Lord Jesus. When you have finished a task, clean up after yourself and put everything back where it belongs. Those watching will be impressed. This is a wonderful way to witness for the Lord without saying a word. When people remark how good of a job you did or what a great attitude you have, it is a wide open door to give the Lord the glory. Refer to this scripture, as the Word of Gods always makes an impact on others. Make a decision that you will be the finest Children’s Church teacher, the finest usher, the finest parking lot attendant that you can be. That decision will always bless you and impact those who ‘see you in action.’ When I was not saved, Sheila and I were in Florida, visiting a church. An usher made an incredible impact on me. I was not Born Again, but had made the decision to accept Jesus. This usher knowing we were only visiting and would not return, still did everything he could to welcome us and make us feel comfortable. Knowing I was going to accept Jesus, I purposed in my heart to be an usher at the church we attended, just like this usher in Florida. He played a big role in my salvation. God’s ways always work.