Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 73
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 73
March 14; Philippians 2:3; 73/260(II); ‘The Way Up is Down’
Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
The Bible teaches in Isaiah 55:9 that the ways of God are different than our ways and higher than our ways. The way of the prideful, unsaved, anti-God world is “I am important, serve me.” The need for recognition and seeming importance becomes nauseating. The media and television create egotistical monsters. Their ability in sports, acting or music gives them notoriety, that if they are not careful goes to their head. Our Example, our only Example is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of God, Creator of all things. Because there was a need that no one else could remedy, the Lord Jesus left heaven, literally became a Man and died a criminal’s death on the cross for our sins and sicknesses. His greatness was exemplified by His humility. Jesus knew who He was, ministered with absolute authority and demonstrated the character and demeanor that drew multitudes to Him. What the Lord Jesus said and did spoke volumes. His love and kindness opened the hearts of the multitudes to Him. His power, never used to promote Himself, but to help others, creates in His people the incredible desire to be just like Him. We are loved by the Lord. Our value comes from Jesus. Treating everyone we can with dignity and respect makes life so meaningful and fulfilling. The religious leaders in Jesus’ time were prideful and loved all of the attention and accolades that they received. Ultimately they helped almost no one. The Lord Jesus, looking only to teach and help the people, became the greatest Figure in history. We are Christians, and Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord. He alone is our eternal Example.