Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 55

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 55

February 24;    2 Corinthians 9:7;     55/260(II);     ‘A Cheerful Giver’

2 Corinthians 9:7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

One of the ways we fulfill the general will of the Lord for our lives is by our financial giving into the work of the Lord.  The tithe is to be given, ten percent of our gross income to the church you attend.  The church is called the storehouse.  God’s Word is ‘stored’ or studied and taught in the local church and the tithe finances the work.  The Word taught by the pastor and the other five fold ministers, equips the Christians, or teaches them the basics of Christianity, so that they can do their part, in His work.  The Word also edifies, builds up the Christians so that they can be strong, life changing ministers of reconciliation.  In addition to the tithe, there is another biblical financial principle.  It is called the offering and it is governed by law of sowing and reaping.  Genesis 1 teaches that everything reproduces after itself.  If you sow a corn seed, you reap a stalk of corn.  You always reap more than you sow.  This law is true in finances as well.  If you sow your finances into the work of the Lord, you will reap back finances.  You always reap more than what you sow.  The Lord also looks at the way we give our offering.  God the Father knows the hold money has on the lives of people.  Christians are often no exception.  The offering can be given to any ministry or Christian project one chooses.  The Lord would have you give whatever size offering you choose.  Decide what size offering you will give and give it not out of obligation, but with the sincere desire that the offering will be used by the church or ministry to accomplish what they are needing funds for.  Give it cheerfully. That is the way the Lord wants.