Pastor Barry’s  “Chapter & Verse”  Day 54

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Pastor Barry’s  “Chapter & Verse”  Day 54

February 23;    2 Corinthians 8:2;    54/260(II);    ‘Living By Faith’

2 Corinthians 8:2 Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.      NIV

Paul the Apostle uses the churches of Macedonia as an example to the church at Corinth.  This verse is a perfect example of living by faith.  Evidently the churches in Macedonia were experiencing severe trials and yet they were going through these trials joyfully.  Additionally, the churches were extremely financially challenged and yet they gave what finances they had to support the church in Jerusalem.  The Bible teaches in 2 Corinthians 4:18 that what we see, the trials and poverty are temporary, but God’s Word is eternal and never changes.  That means that if we stay strong, believing the Lord’s Word when challenges come, we will come through those trials, our faith maturing, seeing the Lord faithful to what His Word says.  How exciting it is to live by faith.  Refusing to be moved by what you face, but rather believing what the Word of God tells us.  You will not have powerful faith over night, but if you purpose in your heart to trust the Lord who saved you and to grow in the things of God, your life will change living by faith will become your normal lifestyle.  Verse 1 of chapter 8 of 2 Corinthians, I believe teaches us two things about the grace of God.  God the Father gives us His grace to enable us to live by faith.  Faith to not look at natural circumstances, but to believe what the Word says, is by the grace of God.  Our victory, receiving the blessings of living by faith is also the grace of God.  How you bless the heart of Almighty God, when you live, not by what you are currently experiencing, but by what God says in His Word about victorious living by faith.