Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 364
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 364
December 30; Hebrews 6:11; 209/260(III); ‘Sure Hope’
Hebrews 6:11 We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. NIV
Verse 10 assures the Christians that the Lord never forgets the efforts they make as they minister to believers. The author calls it a labor of love. Doing the work of the ministry is such a blessing in and of itself. Nothing gives greater joy than knowing we have helped other Christians. The Lord Jesus and His work gives meaning to life that nothing else does. Now the author is encouraging everyone he is writing to, to exhibit the same diligence in ministering to others. The Bible is the general will of the Lord concerning believers. We are all to do all we can to help any endeavor the church you attend succeed. Events that take place in a church are work and the more believers that help, the easier and the more productive the event will be. We all should lend a hand. In addition, we all have specific talents given to us by the Lord to bless others. We lend a hand in anything going on at the church and we also use our specific talents to see to it that the part we have been called to play by the Lord is as good as it can be. ‘Hope sure’ means that we have a full conviction, we have no doubt that what we desire is ours. We desire to please the Lord as He sees our works and labor of love and we have no doubt that because of our efforts, done sincerely our desire to please Him is realized. The Lord Jesus rewards our diligent efforts here and surely in heaven as well. Our time, once we are saved, is to lift up Jesus and do the work of the ministry. What an honor.