Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 361

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 361

December 27;      Hebrews 3:14;       206/260(III);        ‘Partakers’

Hebrews 3:14 For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,

We need to examine this verse carefully, so that we do not make it say what it is not saying.  I believe very strongly in ‘once saved, always saved.’  I also believe that we will be incredibly blessed by our faithfulness to the Lord in this lifetime.  We will be in heaven from the time of our physical death until seven years after the rapture of the church.  After that we will live eternally on the earth that the Lord will completely refurbish.  With that thought in mind, let’s look at this verse.  ‘Partakers’ means associate, partner, companion.  In other words the Lord wants us to remain very serious about our commitment to Him and our ministry for Him.  Many times a believer is very zealous about the things of God when they first become born again.  Time in the Word, prayer time, church attendance, individual ministry are priorities initially.  The Lord does not want that zeal to falter, but often it does.  Christians who remain serious about their walk with the Lord will be rewarded and their ministry will play a very important role as eternity begins to unfold.  The faithfulness of a believer who has partnered with Jesus will bring not only eternal blessings, but the vital roles the Lord will entrust us with.  Those who do not partner with Jesus in the sense of continuing a serious walk with Him, will make heaven, but there will be little or no rewards for them and their role eternally will be minimal.  Serving the Lord, nothing is better or more rewarding.