Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 356
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 356
December 22; Titus 2:7; 201/260(III); ‘Be An Example’
Titus 2:7 in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility,
Paul is exhorting Titus to be a ‘pattern of good works’ to older men and women and to younger men and women. I believe what Paul is saying to Titus, is, whatever you do Titus, let it reflect a Christlike character. That people would see the way you conduct yourself Titus and purpose in their hearts to do the same. Titus, as a Pastor is being encouraged by Paul to be an example, but every believer can be an example if they choose to be and discipline themselves to be one. The love of the Lord is in your spirit, you can manifest that love by the way you treat others. The fruit of the Spirit is also in your spirit, you can deal with others based on these godly traits. What a privilege to represent Jesus. Older people will respect you and younger people will want to be like you. Paul exhorts Titus, and really all believers, to be an example by being a doer of the Word of God. Teach God’s Word and live God’s Word for all to see. If a minister, a parent or a fellow worker is not a hypocrite, but lives what he preaches, those that see his life, will respect him and often desire what he has. Treat the things of God with reverence, never casually or flippantly. Humor is important, showing others you ‘are real,’ but never let that cause you to treat the things of God as common. Be incorruptible. Never show preference to others based on what they have or can do for you. Treat everyone the same. Live who you are and earn their respect. Nothing better.