Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 349

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 349

December 15;      1 Timothy 5:22;       193/260(III);        ‘Haste & Purity’

1 Timothy 5:22 Never be in a hurry about appointing an elder. Do not participate in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.      NLT

Paul, full of wisdom is teaching Timothy how to avoid very serious problems.  Churches always have needs and as a church grows, which Timothy’s church in Ephesus was doing, there is a need for faithful, qualified ministers/Christians to be appointed.  Since these positions are so critical, a minister must take time to see the faithfulness, attitude and spirituality of prospective appointees.  Once that position has been given, if the person has a poor attitude or is self seeking, the Pastor has a huge problem on his hands.  Those called alongside to help do not need to be ‘yes men or women,’ but they need to be for the Pastor and the church.  One of the things listed as things the Lord hates in Proverbs 6 is someone who causes strife in a church.  Paul is encouraging Timothy to not appoint key leaders hastily.  By prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit, Timothy will get to know the candidates spiritually and naturally.  He can then have peace about those he hires to help him in the work of the ministry.  Timothy is called to pastor the church and teach the congregation the Word.  Helping those he pastors be free of personal challenges is part of his calling.  Timothy is wisely taught to avoid getting involved in any sinful affairs of others.  A Pastor should not participate in any business ventures of his congregation.  It is a trap of the devil.  Finally, Paul tells Timothy to be pure.  The devil will tempt the leader, the Lord can keep Timothy strong.