Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 336

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 336

December 2;      Colossians 4:6;       182/260(III);        ‘Salted Speech’

Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

How you speak to others will identify you very clearly as a Christian if you desire that to be the case.  Notice that this verse tells us that what we say should always be full of grace.  ‘Grace’ means loving-kindness.  Once you are born again, God’s love is deposited into your spirit.  You can discipline yourself to speak kindly to everyone regardless of how they speak to you.  Kind words are very powerful.  The Bible tells us that a soft answer breaks a bone.  Christians are peacemakers and how we talk to others plays a vital role in this.  Our words should be seasoned with salt.  Salt was incredibly important back when Paul wrote this letter.  Salt purified food, salt was used to heal wounds, salt flavored foods and salt preserved food.  You can see why the Holy Spirit used the word salt concerning our conversations.  Because we are Christians, we can draw out of the love that is in our spirit and purify conversations by the way we speak.  Our words spoken in love can heal wounds.  Kind, godly words will flavor the conversations we have with others.  Our words preserve relationships and keep them healthy and wholesome.  Purposing in our heart to talk to others in this manner enables us to have the very best outcome possible in any circumstance we face.  The word conversation implies two way.  We are only responsible for our end of the conversation.  If we determine we will always speak salted words, if there is a problem it is never ours.