Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 312
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 312
November 8; 2 Corinthians 9:15; 158/260(III); ‘The Gift of Jesus’
2 Corinthians 9:15 Thank God for his Son — a gift too wonderful for words! NLT
Chapter 9 of 2 Corinthians continues teaching on giving into the work of the ministry. Paul boasts about the generosity and the desire of this congregation to give into the work of the ministry. Paul talks about the giving of their finances as a generous gift (verse 5). He then contrasts their generous gift to the gift, God the Father gave us, the Lord Jesus Christ. The New Living Translation calls Jesus a gift too wonderful for words. Other translations call Jesus an indescribable gift. How true these words are. The Lord Jesus is a indescribable gift in so many ways. Through Jesus we have the gift of eternal life. The worth of this is indescribable. Jesus took our sins upon Himself and gave us right standing with His Father. We never have to live condemned for our past. In the eyes of God we have no past. The Lord Jesus provided healing for our bodies so that we could live long healthy lives. Jesus was our Example, showing us how to live the most exciting life there is, doing His work. His love and character are deposited into us when we are born again. We have the ability to love others and treat them the way we have been and continue to be treated by the Lord. Jesus ministered by the power of the Holy Spirit when He was here. We are given the same power when we become baptized in the Holy Spirit. Power to heal and cast out demons. This is only a short list of what Jesus did and who Jesus is, a gift too wonderful for words.