Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 253

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 253

September 10;       Acts 10:34;       99/260(III);       ‘No Partiality’

Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.

A Roman Centurion named Cornelius loved God, was a man of prayer and helped others.  He was visited by an angel, who told him to send for a Jewish man, named Peter, who would teach him about Jesus.  This Cornelius did.  As a Jew, Peter had nothing to do with Gentiles.  In a vision, the Lord dealt with Peter, concerning his prejudice towards non-Jews.  When servants came from Cornelius’ household, Peter, after having the vison, went with them and entered Cornelius’ home.  Cornelius tried to worship Peter, but Peter corrected him and told Cornelius that he was only a man.  Peter, realized that the vision he had was to help him see that the Lord loves everyone and that he must show partiality to no one.  Cornelius and all who were with him were born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit that day.  Prejudice and hatred for others because they are different than you, has always existed, since the fall of man.  The efforts of society to rid us of prejudice and hatred may have some success.  Jesus Christ, having a relationship with Him, cures the animosity people have towards each other.  When a person becomes born again, God’s love is deposited in their spirit by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).  God’s love simply says I love you with no ‘strings attached.’  As with virtually everything, the blessings of the Lord, will fix partiality.  This is not automatic, we still must bring forth the love of God.  You can if this is your desire.