Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 235

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 235

August 23;       John 13:3:       81/260(III);       ‘Coming & Going’

John 13:3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God,

God the Father sent the Lord Jesus to redeem us from our sins and sicknesses.  Jesus had a specific mission that He knew and intended to fulfill.  Our Lord came from the Father and once His mission was complete, Jesus was returning to His Father.  Along the way, the Lord Jesus was our Example as He ministered to countless numbers of people.  His close fellowship with His Father through prayer and being led by the Holy Spirit, enabled Jesus to know that the time of accomplishing what He was sent to do was at hand.  When Jesus returned to heaven, and sat down at the right hand of the Father, He had to know that His Father was ‘proud’ of His beloved Son and that He had fulfilled everything He was sent to do.  I believe that what the Lord Jesus did is a blueprint of what our lives are to be like.  The Lord has a specific plan for each of our lives and we came from heaven in the sense that our eternal spirit is from God.  As we live our lives fellowshipping with the Father and being led by the Holy Spirit. We like the Apostle Paul and EW Kenyon can know when the time of our ministry is complete.  Along the way, we have the privilege of sharing Jesus, praying for others and leading them to Jesus, ministering just like Jesus did.  When we do return to heaven and since we have been faithful to fulfill what the Lord assigned us to do, at the Reward (Bema) Seat of Christ we will hear the Lord say, “Well done my faithful servant.”