Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 203
Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 203
July 22; Luke 5:8; 49/260(III); ‘Miracles Reveal God’
Luke 5:8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!"
The Lord Jesus was at the shore of the Lake of Gennesaret. There was a multitude of people who wanted to hear what Jesus taught. There were so many people that Jesus got into Peter’s boat and asked that it be put out a little from the land so that He had a platform to teach the people. When Jesus had finished teaching, He told Peter to go back out in the lake and let down his net to catch some fish. Peter was a professional fisherman and had toiled all night and caught nothing. Peter told Jesus this and then said, “Never the less at Your word I will let down the net”. When Peter did, he caught so many fish in the net that the net was breaking. Peter then signaled to his partners in another boat to come and help with the catch of fish. The other boat came and the number of fish caught almost caused both boats to sink. Peter, observing everything that was happening, realized it was a miracle and fell at Jesus’ feet. The miracle caused Peter to know that He was around the holy Lord and he also realized that he was a sinful man. Peter asked Jesus to depart from him, but I do not think he really meant this. The Lord uses miracles to get our attention that He is God. This revelation usually causes us to also know we are sinners. The revelation of our sins is not to condemn us, but to get our attention to know that we need forgiveness. Religion tells us the days of miracles are over. The Bible teaches how miracles get our attention and lead us to salvation.