Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 76

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 76

March 17;   Romans 15:19;   132/260(I);   ‘Fully Preached’

Romans 15:19 in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.

Paul tells us that he ministered the gospel to the gentiles.  Then he goes on to say that mighty signs and wonders and the power of the Holy Spirit were also a vital part of his ministry.  Paul says that the combination of preaching and teaching the gospel, combined with mighty signs and wonders and the power of the Holy Spirit, is fully preaching the gospel of Christ.  Without the supernatural, we are simply using our natural ability to do the work of the ministry.  This was never the intention of the Lord.  The supernatural was (and still is) to be an important part of the ministry of a ‘five fold’ minister (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher).  All Christians, baptized in the Holy Spirit can and should flow in the supernatural.  The supernatural makes the things of the Lord, exciting and fulfilling.  Healings, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Holy Spirit and powerfully anointed services have always been intended by the Lord to be a normal part of our ministry and lives.  We are spirit beings hooked up with Almighty God, who is Spirit.  The power of the Holy Spirit ministering through the Body of Christ was always the intention of the Lord.  Supernatural things should happen and we should think it strange if they do not happen.  The things of God are not dull, we are hooked up with absolute power and love.  Some may disapprove or be uncomfortable, but when someone is instantly healed or the presence of God is so tangible during praise and worship, the truth of the supernatural becomes a treasure more valuable than anything the world could ever offer.