Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 41

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 41

February 10;   Acts 7:55;   96/260(VI);   ‘It’s Up to You’ 

Acts 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,

Stephen was selected to be a waiter for the widows who said they were being neglected in the distribution of food.  There are both spiritual and natural needs in a local church.  Both are important and both have to be met.  The Bible teaches that Stephen was full of faith and the Holy Spirit.  Regardless of what you are called to do, faith and the power of the Holy Spirit are vital as they prepare you for anything that may occur.  The Bible also teaches that Stephen flowed in the supernatural and did great signs and wonders among the people.  The religious leaders were jealous of Stephen because he flowed in the supernatural and arrested him.  Stephen’s Bible wisdom far exceeded the religious leaders.  Think about that.  Stephen was a ‘layman,’ not an Apostle, Prophet or Pastor, yet he flowed in the supernatural and his knowledge of the things of God was superior to the religious leaders.  It is up to you ‘how much of God’ that you have.  No one can stop you from flowing in the supernatural if you want it or from knowing the Word in a scholarly manner.  Stephen was about to be martyred and being full of the Spirit, he saw into the spirit realm and there was Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father, watching.  The Bible goes on to say that Stephen was stoned, falling asleep (implying peace) and he forgave his murderers.  Being full of faith and the Holy Spirit enables you to live life on a completely different level than others, able to face anything, even death.  We are in this world, but not of this world.  Stephen living life the way we all were created to.  Nothing can compare.