Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 292

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 292

October 18;   John 9:25;   77/260(II);   ‘But Now I See’

John 9:25 He answered and said, "Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see."

The Lord Jesus was walking and He saw a man who was born blind.  Jesus’ disciples asked Him who sinned, that this man was born blind?  Was it this man or his parents?  When Jesus ministered on the earth, the Jews believed that sickness was caused by sin.  That even a baby in the womb could sin.  Jesus replied that neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the miraculous works of the Lord might be revealed in this man.  Blindness and every sickness entered the earth when Adam sinned.  His sin cursed the earth.  Jesus came to redeem us from the curse, by taking that curse upon Himself.  The man born blind was healed and was brought before the Pharisees who questioned him.  It was on the Sabbath that Jesus healed the blind man, so the religious leaders used that as an excuse to criticize Jesus.  They did not even believe that the man was born blind, until they questioned his parents.  Their condemnation of Jesus had to anger the man who was healed, since Jesus had performed a miracle on him.  The Pharisees called Jesus a sinner, because of healing on the Sabbath.  The man who was blind said he did not know if Jesus was a sinner, all he knew was that though he was blind, now he sees.  The opinion of others concerning Jesus has nothing to do with you.  He had a need and the Lord Jesus healed him.  No one could take that away from the man who was formerly blind.  Later, Jesus met the healed man again and told him that He was the Son of God.  The healed man believed Jesus and worshipped the Lord.  Once Jesus blesses you, refuse to allow anyone to discredit the Lord.