Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 263

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 263

September 19;   Luke 7:17;   51/260(II);   ‘Miracles Advertise’

Luke 7:17 The report of what Jesus had done that day spread all over Judea and even out across its borders.       NLT

 The Lord Jesus was entering a city named Nain with His disciples and a large crowd.  As Jesus neared the gate of the city a dead man was being carried out.  He was the only son of a woman who was a widow.  With both the woman’s husband and son gone, the dear lady’s future was bleak.  Enter Jesus.  The passage tells us that Jesus saw her and had compassion on her, telling her not to weep.  How could she not weep, unless Jesus did something miraculous to remedy the unfortunate circumstances.  The Lord Jesus could do something and He did.  The Lord had compassion on her, He saw her terrible grief.  You must know that when you are grief stricken, your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, sees your pain and will surely help you.  Jesus went, touched the open coffin and those who carried the coffin stood still.  Jesus told the woman’s son to arise. The young man stood up, began speaking and Jesus presented him to his dear mother, alive.  The miracle caused fear and joy as the people glorified God.  The news of this miracle spread all over Judea and beyond.  The miracle ministry of Jesus drew multitudes to Him and great hatred and jealousy among the religious leaders.  His healings and miracles literally ‘advertised’ His ministry and they came from everywhere to hear Jesus and be healed.  It is no different today.  There are many kinds of church growth seminars that are good and work to a certain degree.  Miracles and the power of God is the greatest way to cause growth.  Miracles get the attention of the lost and let them know that Jesus Christ is alive, that He loves them and wants to help them.