Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 252

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 252

September 8;   Mark 12:41;   40/260(II);   ‘Jesus Watches Your Giving’

Mark 12:41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts.

The Lord Jesus was in the Temple and He watched as the people put their tithes and offerings into the treasury.  Why did the Lord Jesus do this?  To watch how much people gave?  It was not that at all.  In order to prosper, as the Lord intends us to prosper, as Christians, it is vital that we do tithe and give offerings.  Our tithes and offerings are the means the Lord uses to bless us financially.  What Jesus was looking at, was not the amount that each person was giving, He saw the attitude of their heart as they were giving.  Perhaps, those who were wealthy were very proud of how much money they gave.  Their ability to give because of their wealth stirred their religious hearts as they sought to impress the Lord, thus earning His rewards and blessings.  We cannot ‘buy off’ God.  It is wonderful that those who had the funds did give into the work of the Lord.  But if their hearts were filled with pride, trying to impress the Lord by what they gave, their giving was in vain.  The Lord looks at the attitude of our heart.  His desire and the attitude that He blesses is someone who gives as an act of worship.  Thanking the Lord for what He has given them, and considering the tithes and offerings that they are giving back, as sacred.  In faith they believe that every cent of that tithe and offering will be used to do the work of the Lord.  If you only give because you can, the church is blessed by the finances, but there is little or no blessing for the one who gives in this manner.  If you give. loving the Lord and desiring with all of your heart that His work will be done, the church is blessed and so are you.