Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 224

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 224

August 11;   Matthew 13:36;   13/260(II);   ‘Explain to Us’

Matthew 13:36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, "Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field."

 The Lord Jesus taught a great deal in parables.  A parable is a short, simple story designed to communicate a spiritual truth, in which the truth is illustrated by an example drawn from everyday experiences.  The Greek word for parable means ‘laying by the side.’  A parable is something placed alongside something else to illustrate a truth that is less familiar.  Most of the people, in Jesus’ day, grew crops or at least knew a great deal about them.  So many of the Lord’s parables utilized agriculture to convey spirit truths.  In verse 9 of this chapter the Lord tells us to choose to hear, listen to these parables because they are very important to convey spiritual truth.  You could be somewhere, where information is being given and not have the slightest interest in what is being said.  Jesus is saying that the truths He teaches need to be important to you and that you make sure you are listening.  In verse 36, when the multitude was sent away, Jesus’ disciples came to Him to ask the meaning of the parable He taught.  Notice a couple of things.  They came to Jesus.  If the things of God are important to you, make sure you go where you can be taught about these spiritual truths.  The disciples also asked the Lord to explain the meaning of the parable.  They cared enough to want to know exactly what the spiritual truth contained in the parable meant.  Lastly, the Lord dismissed the multitude.  I wonder if some of the multitude wanted to remain and ask the Lord to explain the parable, if He would have, just as He was about to do with His disciples.  I sincerely believe He would have.