Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 166

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 166

June 17;   I Peter 1:19;   223/260(I);   ‘The Blood of Jesus’

1 Peter 1:19 but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.

We are told in verse 18 of I Peter 1, that we were not redeemed by corruptible things like silver and gold.  Over time these precious metals will corrode.  But we were redeemed, thank the Lord that we were redeemed, our salvation was bought with a price.  The price that was paid by the Lord Jesus was by His blood.  Nothing is more valuable than the blood of Jesus.  The Lord Jesus left deity in heaven and came to earth as a Man.  Jesus’ ‘Father’ was the Holy Spirit.  This had to be so that the blood in Jesus’ veins was not tainted with original sin.  Jesus’ blood was perfect.  Since He was sinless, when He shed His blood for us, His blood forever cleansed us from our sins.  Remember, the Old Testament sacrifices, had to be animals that had no defects.  Those animals were a type of Jesus, who had no sins, no ‘defects.’  The blood of those innocent animals were a type of Jesus’ blood.  The sinless animal blood was shed for the sinful people.  The animal blood could only cover the sins of the people, and the sacrifices, offered continually pointed to the time when the blood of the sinless Jesus would be shed once, for the sins of the people.  Nothing else could forever take care of sin.  The Lord saw our hopeless condition, eternally separated from the Father.  Jesus’ love for us and the Father’s love would not allow us to remain in that condition.  God the Father knew what He would do.  Jesus knew what He had to do and willingly suffered in a manner we really cannot comprehend.  The time ordained by the Father came and Jesus’ blood flowed, redeeming humanity, opening heaven to all who believe.