Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 161

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 161

June 11;   Hebrews 13:8;   217/260(I);   ‘Jesus – Ever the Same’

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

What a blessed and comforting verse.  The Lord Jesus is forever the same.  He never changes.  His love for us is eternally constant.  All of the Old Testament prophecies foretold of the Lord Jesus.  Every aspect of the wilderness tabernacle pointed to Jesus.  All of the sacrifices which were offered continually reflected the Lord.  On the cross, Jesus redeemed humanity.  In the Old Testament, they were ‘saved,’ by believing that one day the Messiah would come and set them free.  Once Jesus paid the price, on the cross, salvation was made available to everyone who believes that He is the Son of God and that He came to die for the sins of humanity and to give us right standing with God the Father.  Jesus’ life was our Example of how to live.  His character becomes ours when we are Born Again.  His love is deposited into our spirit by the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit as well. His love and the fruit of the Spirit reflect every aspect of His character.  Now, we can be living replicas of Jesus as we kindly and caringly minister Jesus to others.  Jesus was empowered by the Holy Spirit to minister.  He told us that when He returned to heaven, He would send the Holy Spirit to empower us as well, so that His supernatural ministry can continue through us.  Jesus gave us His Name to use as we do His work.  We have the power of attorney to us His Name.  The Lord Jesus, now is in heaven seated at the right hand of the Father.  The Bible teaches that Jesus is there, in heaven, praying for us and for the salvation of every person.  Jesus, eternally the same, loves you and will always be there for you.