Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 158

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 158

June 8;   Hebrews 10:36;   214/260(I);   ‘Never Quit’

Hebrews 10:36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.      NIV

There is something wonderful about a person who will not quit.  In sports, you can see it in the eye of an opponent, ‘get ready because I am focused and ready to play.’  I believe that it was Isaac Newton, the scientist who came to understand gravity, who learned a lesson from a spider.  Isaac was discouraged and sitting under a tree.  His eye saw a spider spinning its web.  There was a particularly difficult area of the web that the spider was having trouble completing.  Over and over the spider endeavored to complete this last part of the web until it was done.  Isaac Newton was greatly encouraged by the insect’s no quit attitude and became a great scientist.  Jesus said the Word of God is truth.  Isaiah 55 teaches that whatever God’s Word says will be accomplished.  God’s Word is also God’s will.  This verse is teaching that once you have done what a particular verse says, since the Word is true and does accomplish whatever God says that it will, don’t quit, stand on that verse, thanking the Lord that what the verse says will happen and it will. The Bible says that God cannot lie.  So often, Christians are standing on a verse, waiting for the manifestation of what they are praying about and believing for.  If the answer is taking a little while to manifest, the Christian often gives up and quits.  In the spiritual realm, demonic forces try to hinder prayers from being answered.  Since the Word of God is true, if you will not quit, but continue to stand, thanking the Lord while you do, for the answer,  the answer will come.  We live in an impatient world.  Believe the Word, pray and stand, the answer will come.