Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 151

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 151

May 31;   Hebrews 3:19;   207/260(I);   ‘The Price of Unbelief’

Hebrews 3:19 So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.

This verse is talking specifically about the Jews in the wilderness, who rebelled against the Lord, when they refused to believe the Lord could give them Canaan land because of the strength of the people who lived there.  When Israel left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea that had parted, that was a type of the Born Again experience.  Now they were heading to Canaan land, a type of the blessings that are ours because we are Christians.  The Lord told Moses to send spies into Canaan land to see what the land was like and then report back to Moses.  Ten of the twelve spies reported that the land was wonderful and fruitful.  Then they said those who lived in the land were mightier than the Jews.  They did not receive the blessings given to them by the Lord because they looked at natural circumstances and refused to believe what the Lord said.  Those ten spies and all who agreed with them, refusing to believe the Lord, died without ever receiving any of His blessings.  It is the same with us.  Once we are Born Again, the Bible tells us of all of the blessings that God has given us.  If we do not believe the Word, and you believe the Word by diligently reading it to build your faith, you will miss out on so many things that legally belong to you.  Without Bible faith, you will look at physical symptoms, not the Healer.  You will look at your checkbook and not your Provider.  You will look at circumstances, being fearful, not looking at the Lord your peace.  Get strong in the Word, and refuse to allow the devil to rob you of all of your legal blessings, through unbelief.  Unbelief is too great a price to pay.