Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 150

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 150

May 30;   Hebrews 2:1;   206/260(I);   ‘Serious Stuff’ 

Hebrews 2:1 So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.      NLT

The importance of being diligent to read the Word of God daily cannot be overemphasized.  This verse emphasizes that truth.  We are bombarded 24/7 with information the world wants us to have.  Our education system, entertainment and a great deal of the news media never mentions the things of the Lord at best, or is openly critical of the things of God.  Romans 12:2 is a very powerful verse emphasizing the need and importance to renew our mind with the Word of God.  We are encouraged in that verse not to let the world squeeze you into its mold.  We do not have to do and be drawn to everything this secular society is doing.  The world system this verse talks about is directly opposed to the things of God.  Notice Hebrews 2:1 tells us to listen very carefully.  The local church is the Lord’s way of building Christians up in the truths the Word teaches.  The church is to equip Christians to do God’s work.  Those who do not know Jesus are deceived, thinking what they see in this world is all that there is.  Only the Word of God can open their spiritual eyes to what the Lord offers, which is peace, security and freedom from the lies that try to influence our lives.  This verse tells us to stay hooked up with the Word or we could drift away.  Young people heading off to college must have a strong foundation in the Word, because quite often what they will be taught contradicts God’s Word.  Knowing the Word, diligence to read it daily, learning the Word in church enables us to live an overcoming life that  blesses us and puts us in position to positively influence those who need Jesus so much.