Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 116

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 116

April 26;   Ephesians 4:29;   172/260(I);   ‘Words of Grace’

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Paul in this passage of scripture is encouraging us, that as Christians, we should no longer conduct ourselves as those who are not Born Again do.  One vital way we need to purpose in our spirit to be different, is in the way we speak, what we say.  ‘Corrupt’ means worthless.  Why would we want to waste our time and words, speaking things that have no value.  As Christians, we have x amount of time to make a difference on this earth. Worthless words are just a waste of our precious time.  Surely the Lord Jesus saved us for better than that.  The rest of the verse exhorts us as to what kind of words to speak.  Our words we are told to speak are ‘good,’ good means in every possible sense.  That means that as a Christian we should purpose to speak words that are helpful and encouraging to others.  So much of what people hear and are spoken to them are negative and often hurtful and cutting.  If others know that when they are around you, they are spoken to in a manner that uplifts them, surely they will seek you out.  God’s love in us will literally restrain us from improper words if we choose to let His love guide our lives.  Our good words are to build up others (‘edification’).  People thrive on encouragement and the kindness shown to them and by what you say to them it quickly identifies you as a Christian.  Your words that build up others, impart loving-kindness (‘grace’) to those they are spoken to.  Jesus was always kind to women and children.  Sincere, kind, thoughtful words spoken to others is what this verse is talking about.  As you speak kindly it is so beneficial to those you speak to.