Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 110

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 110

April 20;   Galatians 4:19;   166/260(I);   ‘Committed to Pray’

Galatians 4:19 But oh, my dear children! I feel as if I am going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives.     NLT

The Apostle Paul was a man of prayer.  He prayed for the churches in Galatia (Turkey). Paul prayed for the congregations of the churches continually in a general sense.  Additionally Paul is very concerned because unscriptural doctrine had gotten into the churches.  A group called Judaizers had infiltrated the Galatian churches and taught that in addition to being Born Again, you must keep the Law.  The Judaizers did all they could to undermine Paul’s authority in order to teach their heresy.  Being who Paul was, he, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote the Book of Galatians to combat this teaching.  In addition, Paul prayed with great earnest for the congregations.  He likened the intensity of his prayers to a woman giving birth.  Often, the person praying would get into the sitting positon of a woman in labor.  Paul loved these churches and the congregations and he not only refuted the Judaizer teachings in his letter, but spent a great deal of time praying seriously for protection of the Christians.  The more you know about Paul, the more respect and admiration you have for this mighty man of God.  In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul lists all of the persecutions he has been through because of preaching the gospel.  He ends the long list by telling of his constant concern for the churches he has started.  We, as Christians, if we see those we know getting off into some strange and unscriptural doctrine, lovingly encourage them to stay away from that teaching and then back what you say with persistent prayer for those you have concern for.  Christianity is serious, just look at Paul.