Pastor Barry's "Chapter & Verse" Day 10

Posted by Pastor Barry Fredericks on

Caring for Pastor Sheila - no blog posted yesterday.  Here it is

Pastor Barry's  "Chapter & Verse"  Day 10

January 10;   Luke 21:2;   65/260(VI);   ‘Jesus Sees’

Luke 21:2 and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.

Jesus was in the temple and He watched the people giving.  Religious, legalistic thought might be that Jesus was making sure that each person was giving the financial amount that was required.  That is absolutely not the case.  Jesus told everyone that a poor widow, having put into the treasury 2 mites (a very small amount) gave more than anyone.  The Lord looks at the heart, the desire of a person to bless His work, their love for the Lord and their faith in giving.  Church is where the Body of Christ come together to worship the Lord, to be taught the Word of God, to be prayed for and pray for others and to fellowship with those of like precious faith.  Unsaved people do not support the local church financially.  The importance of the role of the church in a Christian’s life cannot be overstated.  When you give to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ give in faith, believing that what you give will be used by the church to teach and minister to those who attend.  What happens in a church service is sacred and if you treat your tithe in that manner, the church will be financially able to do what the Lord called it to do and you will be blessed financially and in other areas of your life.  Remember where the Lord took you from and what He did for you.  Nothing else on this earth can change a person the way a local church can.  God’s Word is so vitally important to know and apply in your life.  Give joyfully, reverently, thanking the Lord for the privilege of being a part of His work on the earth.  This is one way that you are.